[TYPO3-dev] unsing conf in plugin - acceptable or not?

Christian Lerrahn typo3 at penpal4u.net
Fri Feb 10 03:24:56 CET 2006

I'm (ab)using the hook sys_stat-PreProcClass in an extension. Now I'd like
to use configuration from the TS in that extension. There's already a
section for the FE plugin in the TS, of course, but as the TS
configuration for the part on the hook has to be global, I'd like to put
it in the conf array, so that you see at once that this meant to be
global. However, I'm wondering now if this would comply with the coding
guidelines. I haven't found any explicit statement about that in the
guidelines, so I'm asking here.


    Mein  Wort  wird  nicht  wieder leer zu mir zurückkommen, sondern
    wird tun, was mir gefällt, und ihm wird  gelingen,  wozu  ich  es
    Jesaja 55,11
    Wie  viele  Jesus aufnahmen, denen gab er Macht, Gottes Kinder zu
    werden, denen, die an seinen Namen glauben.
    Johannes 1,12

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