[TYPO3-dev] SOLUTION (?) : Multiple XCLASS inheritance

Michael Scharkow mscharkow at gmx.net
Wed Feb 8 19:17:18 CET 2006

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:

> Also, inheritance as a whole should be avoided in our future  
> architecture, rather objects should be more atomic so we can use  other 
> patterns for pluggin in functionality/services etc  ("strategies" et 
> al). Hooks is the precursor for this idea.

I beg to differ: Inheritance should be used more often in the future. If 
you build real objects with encapsulated methods and data, their 
instances *are* atomic. However, this makes only sense if you use 
classes for objects and not primarily as namesspaces. Of course, nobody 
can be interested in inheriting from TCEmain or t3lib_div ;)

The flexibility should come from advanced factory functions that know 
what to instanciate in what context. Kind of like makeinstance() on 


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