[TYPO3-dev] SOLUTION (?) : Multiple XCLASS inheritance

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Tue Feb 7 19:13:00 CET 2006


> I need to extend this extension to add some specific behaviour. Assume this 
> can't be done using hooks.
> We decide to name our extension tx_forum_extended
> If I do so using XCLASS, my work will be a dead-end, as no one will be able 
> to extend my work : XCLASS can't be extended
> Here is the idea : instead of asking to Typo3 to handle my xclass rather 
> than tx_forum, we could ask typo3 to handle tx_forum, heriting from our 
> extending extension :

TYPO3 will go the way to PHP5 in the future.
So the solution would be that each TYPO3 class is based on an interface
class. Then the inheriting class can override all methods it wants. I
think, a XCLASS will not be needed any more with abstract interface
classes. If a class is derived from an abstract interface and passed as
a parameter to a TYPO3 function, then the methods of the deriving class
would be called (if defined) by the TYPO3 function and not any more the
method of the corresponding basic TYPO3 class. I think this should
become possible with PHP5.



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