[Typo3-dev] getting values from locallang_db.php for frontend output

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Tue Jun 21 15:23:21 CEST 2005

Hi list.

We are currently developing an extension where we are using a selectbox for
a DB-field called "status".
This field can have 4 different values and for each value there is one
translation for the different backend languages.
The BE-user can select the status in the BE-form. No problem so far.

But now we are displaying a list of different records containing the
status-field in the FE using a plugin.
Regardless of the language the FE-user selected, we only see values 0,1,2 or
3 here. No translation.
pi_loadLL() is inserted at the beginning of the code. But of course
$this->LOCAL_LANG only gives the labels for the plugin itself, no labels
from locallang_db.php available here.

The question is: What is the preferrable way to insert labels from
locallang_db.php into the output of the FE-plugin(s)?



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