[Typo3-dev] Blob Fe_users Fe-usergroups

Alain arwebmail at skynet.be
Wed Jun 15 12:23:55 CEST 2005

Karsten Dambekalns a écrit :
>>If you look at the field named usergroup with SQL you have the following
>>value 0x312c31322c3133 and with CSV : "1,12,13"
> There is a switch called "Use hexadecimal for binary fields" in phpMyAdmin
> on the export page to change hex export.
>>How can I transform my list "1,12,13" in the format 0x312c31322c3133 ?
> You can insert it just like that, as if it were a string, in your case.

Thank you. That is precisely what I was looking for.
I made some tests and it works.

Things can be simple, sometimes! Just have to know how.


Alain Reymond

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