[Typo3-dev] Study Project Candidate: Content rendering for various output formats

Michael Scharkow mscharkow at gmx.net
Wed Jun 8 19:01:11 CEST 2005

Markus Stauffiger wrote:
> Hi List
> We've discussed a lot about your ideas and our favorite candiate is the
> content-rendering (docs.typo3.org) project.
> Now we're interessted in the details of this project, wishlist or any other
> kind of idea, so we can finally decide if we want to go for it. :)
> Especially interessting: Will we only provide the content-rendering or may
> we be included in the whole "docs.typo3.org" Project?
> Greetings
> Markus
> Here is what we already know:
>>Content rendering for various output formats
>>On the planned site docs.typo3.org we will need a solution for rendering 
>>a common input format (currently open office writer documents) into
>>different output formats (single HTML, multiple HTML, PDF,
>>DocBook, ...).

I don't know if you read my recent posting on the typo3org-list but this 
is really not such a big issue, unless you want to write the whole 
docs.typo3.org project:

1. The uploading infrastructure needs to be done (not sure if we can use 
parts of the old TER).
2. The content rendering is next to trivial since Robert's officelib 
works like a charm for single and multiple HTML, so does PDF-creation 
(and probably ascii output) with scriptable Openoffice which I am 
working on.

The only issue I see is making officelib work with the new odt format. 
Robert has stated last week that he doesn't have a schedule for that but 
maybe he can tell us if he likes help...


PS: Whatever became of the idea to write a real staging/LPE solution for 

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