[Typo3-dev] OT: Hook manager extension for typo3.org (was: Re: OT: Hooks, was: Pledge fo 3.8.1)

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sat Jun 4 19:17:14 CEST 2005

Dimitri Tarassenko wrote:

> These "hooks" are going to be nightmare to manage and debug once their
> number (and number of extensions that may use them) grow.

Yes I agree. I once had a discussion with Kasper about when to add a hook
and when not.

In the end we didn't make a final decision but agreed that it would be very
helpful to create some kind of "hook database" on typo3.org.

This database should collect information about

- the author who requested the hook
- the purpose he needs it for
- _any_ extension which uses this hook (everybody whould be forced to
  register if he uses any hook - in his very own interest!)

That way we could easily decide when a hook can be deleted or changed and
who needs to be informed about that.

Is anybody willing to write such an extension?

- michael
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