[Typo3-dev] AJAX-based Page Tree Extension

Stephane Schitter stephane.schitter at free.fr
Fri Jun 3 20:07:22 CEST 2005


I tested it out - it seems to somehow work for me, so I've done what you
suggested and adding a page in a list view of a parent effectively is faster,
however I am not sure if my setup is wrong, but this extension seems to 
break the context menu in the pagetree itself.

I can see you also extend the alt_db_navframe, same as the extension I posted
very recently to allow drag'n drop functionality to the backend (and for which
I continue doing some development). I guess it may be a good idea that 
we speak
on  somehow trying to coordinate the two extensions either into one, or 
at least
do development in a comprehensive manner so that admins can install both
extensions at the same time, even if we both XCLASS the same class.


Quoting Jeff Segars <jsegars at alumni.rice.edu>:

> After reading a couple threads about adding AJAX capabilities to the 
> backend,  I decided to create a quick demo extension that uses AJAX 
> to update the pagetree You can find the extension at 
> http://webempoweredchurch.org/ajaxdemo/.
> The extension is far from optimal, as it uses an XCLASS to extend the 
> pagetree and updates the entire table containing the pagetree, rather 
> than only the changed rows.  Also, Internet Explorer does not work at 
> the moment due to innerHTML for a table being read-only.
> Despite these limitations, I think the extension does make the 
> backend more responsive and faster.  I'd appreciate feedback from 
> anyone who can  try the extension out.  The best way to see the speed 
> improvements is to  bring up the list view of a parent page and 
> rearrange the children or add subpages and watch the updates occur 
> without a full page reload.
> If there's interest, hopefully we can start looking to expand this to 
> other parts of the backend.

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