[Typo3-dev] Option split works problematic
tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Wed Jun 1 18:31:09 CEST 2005
JoH wrote:
> Well - it doesn't. optionSplit counts all the menuitems available and then
> sets the value for the current position in the menu according to your
> first|middle|last setup.
it seems not to work at that way.
I set for NO, ACT and CUR
<span>| | </span> |*|
<span> | | </span> |*| <span> | </span>
suppose that the THIRD link is in the state CUR
The '|' was MISSING from the item, which was in the state CUR or ACT.
Well - the LAST option split value for the state CUR/ACT doesnt' have
'|' => Typo3 used the LAST option, not the MIDDLE, which should give
the result 'THIRD |' and the main menu would be like
> And another fact you should consider is, that I _always_ check the code
> before I post to the lists.
> I setup a small example on www.4any1.de/index.php?id=87
> You will see a menu with the following setup:
> NO.ATagParams = class="blue" |*| class="blue2" |*| class="blue3"
> ACT = 1
> ACT.ATagParams = class="green" |*| class="green2" |*| class="green3"
> CUR = 1
> CUR.ATagParams = class="red" |*| class="red2" |*| class="red3"
> For all items in NO state there are 3 different tones of blue.
> First is a lighter one, second is darker and rotating, third is darkest.
> Same thing for ACT but with green tones and CUR with red tones.
> Have a look at it and see it working on TYPO3 3.7.0
Well - why the same system doesn't work in my test?
option split should work also with linkWrap - not only with ATagParams
> The problem you might have is that you are not really understanding how TS
> and especially optionSplit works.
I understand the idea and syntax of option split
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