[Typo3-dev] How do I search the mailing list?
Vikram Mandal
vmandal at srijan.co.in
Mon Feb 28 12:25:55 CET 2005
How could I have missed that :-0
Thank you Christopher.
Actually I was somehow reaching the netfielders.de site all the time!!!
don't know how ;-(
- Vikram
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher" <tombedlam at yahoo.com>
To: "List for Core-/Extension development" <typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Typo3-dev] How do I search the mailing list?
> Hi,
> --- Vikram Mandal <vmandal at srijan.co.in> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does typo3 mailing list have search feature? I need to search the mailing
>> list. I have looked around but have failed to find the search option.
> Two ways:
> 1. Go to Typo3.org and navigate from the "Community" link to the "English
> (main) list archive" link (or to the other relevant archive of your
> choice...)
> 2. Search Google like this:
> site:typo3.org + search + terms
> -Christopher
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