[Typo3-dev] using devLog instead of debug in the core?
Stefan Geith
typo3dev at geithware.de
Wed Feb 2 13:38:29 CET 2005
Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> "René Fritz" <r.fritz at colorcube.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:mailman.1830.1107253736.2660.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
>>>My questions are in as much rethorical as they should've started a
>>>discussion of good places to add devLogs in the core.
>>But I strongly sugest to use a common one-line format. Like
>>if ($this->writeDevLog) ...
> Good, but what to do about the static methods of eg t3lib_div?
> /* WRITE DEV LOG */ t3lib_div::devLog(..)
I use my personal writelog-function (like that one in
class.t3lib_userauthgroup.php), that writes directly to
the table sys_log
I use something like
$details = 'WARNING xyz happend at '..__FILE__.'/'.__LINE__;
and set
$details_nr=1, $type=10, $action=1, $error=0
Then I modified typo3/ext/belog for easier access of these
log-messages in the BE-Modul 'Log':
add to typo3/ext/belog/mod/index.php:
"action" => array(
10 => "Dev",
add to typo3/ext/belog/mod/locallang.php
'type_10' => 'DEV',
'action_10_1' => 'Warning',
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