[Typo3-dev] Indexed Search - preventing indexing

Keith Morrison keith_morrison at dfci.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 6 18:45:09 CET 2005

Hi all,

I'm testing some re-caching and re-indexing scripts prior to the launch 
of our new site.  I've come across something that I'm sure others have 
run into, but I'll be darned if I can find any newsgroup references to 
it.  Anyway, I've got a plugin with a realurl enabled that generates 
urls that look something like this:
domain.com/member/240/0/; it might also look like this 
domain.com/member/240/1/.  The last parameter is a toggle to show or 
hide information, depending on what a user has clicked.  I'd really like 
the indexer to just index the link with the /1/ suffix, but I can't seem 
to figure out a way to do this.  Note: all pages in that plugin have 
both a "0" view and a "1" view.  Also, the reason I want to do this is 
that if you look up one of these records, you get two results, one with 
the "0" switch and one with the "1" switch.

What is also interesting is that if I look at index_phash, and check the 
   indexes for that page (about 3000 records generated by that plugin), 
all of the cHashParams include the "1" switch.  So I'm not even sure 
where it is getting the "0" pages from when it returns search results.


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