[Typo3-dev] Adding support for VRML as multimedia content

Joerg Scheurich aka MUFTI rusmufti at bera.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon Aug 29 16:25:32 CEST 2005


If someone would add the "wrl" extension to the list of allowed extensions
e.g. in index/hash "allowed" about line 775 of


'multimedia' => Array (
 'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_ttc.php:multimedia',
  'config' => Array (
   'type' => 'group',
   'internal_type' => 'file',
   'allowed' => 'txt,html,htm,class,swf,swa,dcr,wav,avi,au,mov,asf,mpg,wmv,mp3,wrl', 
   'max_size' => '10000',
   'uploadfolder' => 'uploads/media',
   'size' => '2',
   'maxitems' => '1',
   'minitems' => '0'

it would be easily possible to use VRML97 files for a typo3 user.
VRML97 (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) is a sort of "HTML for three
dimensional data" or "OpenGL for dummies". 

VRML97 can be used for animation and interaction of 3D data. 
VRML97 files can be publiced inside <embed> tags, like other files with the
extensions already in index/hash "allowed".

There are a lot of 3D tools (including open source tools like white_dune) 
which can author or export VRML97 files. 
There are multiple webbrowser plugins to display VRML97 for various 
operation systems (including open source plugins like FreeWRL for Linux).

so long
"When reading a file, ed discards ASCII and NUL characters."
                   (ed(1), Solaris 8)

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