[Typo3-dev] Making a better access control using XCLASS

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Thu Aug 25 12:45:00 CEST 2005

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> tapio schrieb:
>> 2) class.ux_sc_db_layout.php seems not to work at all. That didn't 
>> work either when I tried to fix  'erotea_date2cal' (see the topic ' 
>> Trying to fix the plugin 'erotea_date2cal''). The problem relates 
>> presumably the fact that 'db_layout.php' is a part of the plugin 
>> 'cms'. Should I try to set XCLASS for some other file?
> Possibly. AFAIR db_layout and friends are a bit messy when it comes to 
> OO (there are even some includes used). Keep in mind that you cannot 
> XLCLASS any parent (base) class.

Ok. But I just tried to extend 'SC_db_layout' with

  class ux_SC_db_layout extends SC_db_layout {

function renderQuickEdit()	{} // rewrite this function

the class name uses the same naming convention as in 'alt_doc.php' 
('SC_alt_doc'), why I expected that that class could be possible to extend.

If I can't extend by XCLASS 'db_layout.php' I just can't make a public 

But as I wrote I have another problem. I should also solve that - or at 
least mention about problem with the erotea calendar.

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