[Typo3-dev] How to add cHash?

Stefan Beylen intsys at swissinfo.org
Sat Aug 20 11:28:50 CEST 2005

Hello List,

Abstract: is there a way to add cHash params when linking to _another_ 
page (not the current one)

I wrote a FEplugin which outputs me a list of products. If one of the 
listitems is clicked on, a detailed view is shown, using cHash params. 
this works perfectly.
I am using this to generate the List-link:


now I also implemented a productsearch in the same plugin.
basically it checks if pswords (ProductSearchWORDS) is set in the GET 
param of the plugin and if it does some DBquerying to get the relevant 
products and then also outputs a list where (again) if the name is 
clicked there is the detailview on the category page of this item and 
_NOT_ on the Searchpage.
For this I am using:


now the problem:
there is no cHash added as I cannot set $cache=0 as in the func 
pi_linkTP -> ergo: one link clicked in the same category makes the page 
being cached and the next link calls the cached page and the item that 
was clicked first is shown...


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