[Typo3-dev] call for interest: TypoScript+

Karsten Dambekalns k.dambekalns at fishfarm.de
Sun Aug 1 23:47:25 CEST 2004

Hi Dan,

On 2004-07-30, dan frost <dan at danfrost.co.uk> wrote:
> * TypoScript parsing at the C-level - as a compiled-in module for php

Hehe, would sure give a speed boost, at least for complex setups. One
would have to code it forst to be able to test, though :) Good that
I'm not a real C programmer...

> * TypoScript on the backend, with complete ability to make all the forms 
> that TCA can, but in TypoScript (althought, probably ObTS!!)

Erm, what would this do for us? Allow to define the BE rendering
through TS instead of TCA? Well. Hm. Any examples?

> * File-based TypoScript editing - with some extras. E.g. Imaging the 
> following:
>===file begins
> require {
> 	0 = EXT: tt_news/ext_typoscript_setup.txt
> 	1 = DB: myfolder/sometemplate
> 	1.date = "<= 2nd March 2004"
> }
> # TS/ObTS goes here....
>===file ends

If I get this right I would be able to use TS from external files
(like it is possible right now) plus having the ability to fetch TS
from a database.

Well, I tried this, and it was a bit awkward - after having edited the
TS file, one always has to remember to clear the cache. And it is
harder to see the whole picture of what you coded in your template. I
switched back to 'pure TS' (I hope you understand what I mean with
this) and think that using basis templates is a better way to
structure things.

> Maybe a lot of this is like the TypoScript editor project..

Speaking of which - are there any things in (your) pipeline that deal
with TS editing 'directly'? I.e. an automatic way to generate some
machine-readable TS grammar for use in syntax higlighting or error


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