[Typo3-dev] Install Tool Suggestion: Disallowed Extensions

Jochen Weiland j.weiland at web.de
Thu Sep 11 13:36:01 CEST 2003


the install tool currently has an entry for "Required Extensions" that can't be unloaded.

May I suggest to include an option "Disallowed Extensions" which then can't be installed?

The reason: there might be extensions on TER that cause problems on specific systems (I know of one that causes problems on my server, and I don't want that admins of Typo3 sites that I host can make the server unstable)

It also may happen sooner or later that someone is going to write a harmful extension on purpose and upload it to TER. 

Another feature would be if you could specifiy that only extensions with a given status (stable, beta, alpha, exp.) can be installed.


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