[TYPO3-asia] Khmer TUG Report Jan-March 2012

Rebecca Stankowski rebecca at web-essentials.asia
Sat Mar 17 09:25:19 CET 2012

Dear all,

Please find below the latest report about the TYPO3 User Group in 
Cambodia (KTUG).

Please let me know if you have any feedback. I am also interested to 
hear from about your communities :-)




Khmer TYPO3 Community Report
January - March 2012

Khmer TYPO3 User Group (KTUG)
The KTUG has just relaunched its website: www.typo3cambodia.org. KTUG 
meetings still take place once a month. Fabien Udriot has joined the 
KTUG for some time and gave input to the local TYPO3 developers. He now 
has left and is back in Switzerland. In April and May 2012, the 
committee is invited to visit two universities and provide workshops and 
tutorials to students and professors.

 From 17 to 19 August 2012, the first TYPO3 Conference in Asia will take 
place here in Phnom Penh. T3CON12 Asia provides a great opportunity to 
learn more about the enterprise Content Management System TYPO3, the 
next generation PHP framework FLOW3 as well as Mobile Development.

TYPO3 Certification Exam in Cambodia
The first TYPO3 Certification exam in Cambodia will take place end of 
March 2012. Hopefully 3 more Cambodian developers get certified. Another 
opportunity to get TYPO3 certified is planned for T3CON12 Asia.

Participation at BarCamp Siem Reap
For the first time, a BarCamp will be organised in Siem Reap end of 
March. Cambodian TYPO3 enthusiasts will present TYPO3/FLOW3.
More info on barcampsiemreap.org

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