[Tycon3] blurry video quality

Fabrizio Branca s_brancaBITTELOESCHEN at ira.uka.de
Wed Sep 21 13:23:30 CEST 2005


after following your discussion here, I should post an answer: I am one 
of the two guys who recorded the talks. First we wanted to record 
everything with an screencapture tool over VNC, but this was not 
possible, because they don't wanted the speaker to install a VNC server 
on their Laptops. So we organized the Cams. The source data is not that 
good, because recording
- a beamer
- from a distance
- in a dark room
- while people walking in front of the camera
- with speakers who wont't speak directly to the microphone (even if you 
tell them)
are not the best conditions for good videos.

Then we wanted to upload the videos soon, so we decided to convert them 
and first not to edit them. The first videos were on the Tycon3 
fileserver on Saturday morning of the conference (after having spend 
nearly all friday night in front of the computer). We decided to use 
realmedia, because we wanted to upload them to our realmedia streaming 

After reading so much criticism here, I decided to convert them again. 
(That means, spending at least one more day with the tycon videos, while 
I should do my other stuff...) So I started to edit them (deinterlacing, 
sharpen, brightness, noise reduction,...) and our computers are 
converting them now to

- divx6 (nearly original mpeg2 quality, 45 min = around 200 MB)
- wmv (less quality, but better then realmedia, 45 min around 30 MB)

So I hope everyone will be satisfied.

At this time there are two computers converting the videos, but in the 
afternoon there will be some more, so I hope that we can offer the 
videos during the day of tomorrow on our servers...

Bye, Fabrizio

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