[Tycon3] blurry video quality

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Wed Sep 21 06:26:30 CEST 2005

* "Jörg-Alexander Roth [GDSYS]" <mail at zeusmedia.de> [050921 01:00]:
> Yeah, I could do it. Each video half in size und three times better 
> quality (choose: .mov, .wmv or .avi). Got enough CPU-Power but not 
> enough time. If someone's able to sponsor my spare time, I'm gonna do 
> the job! 
I really like those people with this attutude. You really made my
day. Its the people like you that we work for. I will print this
out and put it on the wall. I think this is a great way of contribution
to TYPO3.

> Don't take this as sarkasm - just call me.

Oops, he is for real...

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