[Tycon3] What is done, what we need

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Mon Jun 27 08:50:42 CEST 2005

Hello together,
the following things are considered to be "done" for the TYCON3
a.) speaker and paper registration
b.) conference proceedings:
  We will have printed conference proceedings, with enough space
  so that everybody can do annotations. We hope that every speaker
  can hold the deadline (15th august) so that the proceedings will 
  be done by the start of the conference. The speaker can see the 
  technical details at http://tycon3.typo3.org/paper.html if they 
  are logged in.
c.) Badges, lanyards, attendee registration
  all technical things are taken care of. The EXT we did is fully
  "streamlined", so everybody that registeres and pays will get his
  badge. A lanyard sponsor is found.
d.) We have the chance to put three flags in front of the hotel.
  They could be 1mx3m. You can see some suggestions at
  http://www.egeling.de/flags.html. We need to have either another
  different one, or we chose one of those. Needs to be done by
  end of july 2005.
e.) Sponsoring: At http://tycon3.typo3.org/sponsoring.html we have
  some sponsoring suggestions. We need people that carry this to
  potential sponsors.
f.) It is taken care, that we will have some gif banners so that
  everybody can put them on the webpage to advertise for TYCON3.
g.) It might be an idea to have some more travel and leisure things
  on the webpage. So if someone from Karlsurhe or nearby could
  "enhance" the following webpage: http://tycon3.typo3.org/leisure.html
  I would not stop him or her. ;-)
h.) rooms, speakers and people taking care of speakers
  is taken care of
i.) catering/food/beverages
  is taken care of.

So if you would either pick on task and do it, or have some more
suggestions what is missing, please feel free to replay to this
Please try to avoid contacting me for those things directly.
This list is for TYCON3, and it helps to have everybody informed.

punkt.de GmbH               Internet-Dienstleistungen-Beratung
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