[Tycon3] Helping hands needed

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Wed Jun 22 17:57:18 CEST 2005

* Jan Galinski <typo3-news at geebees.net> [050622 17:45]:
> I am just collecting some spontaneous thoughts that might be interesting 
> to consider, no harm intended! (Just imagine the appropriate emoticon 
> where suitable :-) )

Sorry, but I thought this was obvious. We are more thinking of
work 4 hours, get rest free, and hopefully we can arrange it in
a way, that
a.) everybody sees Kaspers keynote
b.) everybody can attend the talks he wanted to.

Sorry for being unprecise, but I thought this is obvious.

> for the student (which in any case should also include summer jobbers, 
> uneployed and so on ...) 

Which (also for me) does include this.

> Another 2c well spent,


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