[Tycon3] do you know...

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Wed Jun 22 12:09:18 CEST 2005

* Thomas Hempel <thomas at scriptme.de> [050622 06:32]:
> I think basically this is quite plain to everyone here. But why wasn't it 
> possible to tell us some weeks ago?
Daniel Hinderink postet in this list at 13.dec 2004:
Message-ID: <mailman.600.1102970345.1246.tycon3 at lists.netfielders.de>
subject: "What kind of conference, decision"

[... some things left out ...]
I polled the TYPO3 Association members to this end and got a unison vote,
please find Kaspers statement which is representative for all of us below:

> For the community we already have the snowboard tour. And those will also
> attend T3UGs.
> A professional conference will appeal to business minded people which are now
> either not coming to the snowboard tour due to its profile, or they are taking
> up space on the snowboard tour without really wanting to snowboard or they
> are not finding T3UG meetings their cup of tea.

That means we have decided to give Jürgen the go ahead for Karlsruhe 2005.

> That's what I ment with "transparency". I know you guys have a lot to do 

It fully was and is transparent, IMHO, we also tried to organize things here in 
this list, and it might be really good to have an "event" list, instead 
of a tycon3 list.

> I think it's absolutely OK that there is a conference for professionals. 
> That's beyond dispute! But a dev conference would be nice, too!!! ;-)

I am more than willing to help on this. We have this conference
EXT as an infrastructure, and if someone thinks I can help, I will
do. But I cannot *organize* such an Event in a town other than Karlsruhe.
(I even can't in Karlsruhe, because I would not find the correct
place to stay I think.)
So we need a passioned team in a town, that knows how to get the
right locations, how to organize food, beds, Internet(?), etc. pp.
Plus even this needs a budget, and someone taking care for potential
I with my company decided to take the risk to organize the TYCON3 event,
as our passion to TYPO3. All *gain* from this event will go to
the assoc, which will be *happy* (I think) to help covering potential
dev-con losses if in a certain range. So this is what this conference
is for as well: Get others in the boat, (even maybe a short time)
and do the right things with the (hopeful) gain.
So what would help right now: Motivate all the companies you
know to come to the TYCON3, to make it a big success, *AND*
organize the dev-conference. Come with your "boss", show him that
TYPO3 is "a real thing".

> But some more information about what is going on (TYCON, TYPO3.org, further 
> devlopement or whatever) is also very important!

Yes, we need to work on communication, no doubts. But in some cases it
already is better, IMHO. Anyway, there is place for improvement.

> >Sorry for being a little rough, but I felt it was right to be so.
> Rough? That was rough? ;-)
P.S.: Does anyone know which one made the link on heise to the tycon3
to http://typo3.punkt.de/tycon3.html   ?
It was not me, and I was shocked when I noticed it. It never belonged
to be promoted there, the page was an internal page, and is gone. 
Today I made it a ext-url, which solves the problem, but can anyone
tell me who this was, what his intention was to do this?
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