[Tycon3] strange message ?
Sacha Vorbeck
sachav at gmx.net
Thu Jul 7 10:47:56 CEST 2005
> sacha, could yould please send the complete mail to this list?
> thanx,
> sabina
this mail tries to explain what technical challenges you will
have when giving the speech ;-))
For the speach we will have a beamer for you, that can produce
1024x768 in 60Hz. If you do not have your own laptop than the
provided machine will have MicroSoft PowerPoint installed and
a pdf viewer.
*Please* do not assume that an Internetaccess will be avaiable!
We will try to provide one, but technical things are likely to
screw up, so there is no guarantee that internet will work!
Your speach should work without internet connection!
If you plan to bring your own notebook take the chance to
test if it will work at our beamers. For this we provide a
test environment, where you can connect your laptop to, and
test if it works. The laptop should use a regular VGA connector
(15 pins, female).
For the proceedings please read http://tycon3.typo3.org/paper.html
after login in as a speaker. Please prepare a *paper* for the
proceedings and not only give the presentation itself as a pdf.
your TYCON3 committee
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