[Tycon3] TYCon3 first site impression

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Mon Jan 31 17:22:09 CET 2005

Juergen Egeling wrote:

>>  - I suggest that we synchronize frontend users with typo3.org with
>>    Renés new SOAP auth extension (René, is that possible?). That means
>>    you will be able to login with your typo3.org user account and
>>    register yourself as a speaker which creates a speaker record
>>    in some table of the conference site (but linked to the typo3.org
>>    username).
> If this does not break everything, fine. The EXT work *right now*
> I would love to see this feature, but our programmer who did it is
> in holiday for 4 weeks, so the work has to be done by other people.

I'll wait for Renés answer.

>>  - When Rupert and I finished news.typo3.org we can have a news feed
>>    for the conference which can be subscribed to via RSS
> Yes, when done, no problem. At this point the website is only for
> collecting papers, and giving an idea on when the conference is.

Of course.

>>  - When we have decided on the final program, we should provide some iCal
>>    or XML-RPC resource so people can easily include the schedule into
>>    their calendars
> If someone could provide this, ...

No problem.


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