[Tycon3] 1st TYPO3 Conference, Call for papers

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Fri Feb 18 16:12:27 CET 2005

Call For Papers

TYPO3 Conference 2005
8 - 11 September 2005

The 1st Worldwide TYPO3 Conference will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany
from Thursday 8th - Sunday 11th September, 2005.

We are inviting contributions on all areas of the TYPO3 system. The program
will cover a variety of subjects, including Design, Internal System 
Development, Tools and Applications. 

Any topic likely to be of interest to TYPO3 hackers, users, admins or 
enthusiasts will be considered. Timely papers discussing work in 
progress or recently completed work are especially welcomed, as are 
new and interesting uses of existing work. Topics should have
relevance to TYPO3, but need not be exclusive to it.

Abstracts for the conference should be 250-500 words long. Presentation 
of final papers would normally last approximately 45 minutes, including 
10 minutes for questions and answers.  If you need more time for your 
presentation, please advise us when submitting your abstract - 
consecutive presentation slots can be made available. Abstracts should 
be submitted using the form at http://tycon3.typo3.org/speakerreg.html 
and then http://tycon3.typo3.org/submitpaper.html

The opportunity also exists to host a tutorial on the Friday, where 
you can take half a day or a full day to delve deeper into specific 
programming or administration topics.  

We will acknowledge all submissions.

Significant dates:

   Closing date for abstracts     April 30th
   Authors notified by            May 15th 
   Final papers due               August 15th

Please send any queries to the programme committee at prc at typo3.org

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