[Tycon3] Re: TYPO3 Conference ideas for Karlsruhe

Juergen Egeling egeling at punkt.de
Thu Dec 9 18:21:16 CET 2004

* Robert Lemke <robert at typo3.org> [041209 16:19]:
> Okay, what do we need to set up for collecting speakers? Just a mail form 
> which mails all proposals to some email address or do we want to see the 
> proposals online, too (and maybe vote)?

OK, first person to get dirt at the fingers (AKA, programming :-)))

> Are these the fields we need (taken from  [1]) ?
> - Name
> - Company or organization
> - Position
> - Email
> - Phone
> - Complete address
> - Biography (250 to 500 words)
> - Session Information
> - Session language
  I would force them all to english. IMHO conference
  language should be english.
> - Session track
  ? What is meant by this?
> - Session summary (250 to 500 words)
> - General Comments

We had "target audience" as well.

> If it's only a simple form we need, let me know and I set it up. If we need an 
> extension, let me know and I'll create one.

We have one extension here, which did the job. The
advantage ist, that you can use the given data later on
and put it online like we did in
which is directly generated from the database, ...

> Yes, next time I will write to the new list instead.

mee too, .... reply-to is set

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jürgen Egeling
punkt.de GmbH               Internet-Dienstleistungen-Beratung
Vorholzstr. 25              Tel.: 0721 9109-0  Fax: -100 
76137 Karlsruhe             info at punkt.de    http://punkt.de/

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Jürgen Egeling
punkt.de GmbH               Internet-Dienstleistungen-Beratung
Vorholzstr. 25              Tel.: 0721 9109-0  Fax: -100 
76137 Karlsruhe             info at punkt.de    http://punkt.de/

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