[Neos] Issue with content cache

nikos nick at jamalade.com
Thu Jan 29 11:23:11 CET 2015

Just upgraded from Neos 1.2.0 1.2.1 but problem still there :(

On 29/01/2015 00:29, nikos wrote:
> Unfortunately I am not having much luck with this.
> Just as a summary I have a Teaser content node which displays teaser text forcontent eleswhere on the site ie. targetNode.
> I have defined a cache directive for the Teaser in TS with entry tags being Node_ and DescendantOf_ the targetNode (as in original posting).
> I am using the standard cache setup which is a StringFrontend which uses a FileBackend for the actual cache.
> The TypoScript Cache is all set up fine with all my Teaser nodes having coresponding cache files. When the target node(s) or their descendants are
> edited via the backend the Nodes are registered as requiring a change in ContentCacheFlusher->registerNodeChange and the revelant tags are added to
> flush list as expected :)
> However when the Cache is flushed via ContentCacheFlusher->shutdownObject the cache file for the Teasers not removed as expected :( Seems that they
> can't be found - I have visual gone through the code in FileBackend to see that the code for saving a cache entry and seraching for it correspond and
> they look ok.
> I can't really tell what is actually happening in the Filebackend, which is doing all the work, as I have not been able to debug at that level (I
> haven't had much luck with xDebug, Neos & Netbeans) but using AOP where I can I have logged what's been happening. However this doesn't work for
> FileBackend as it and all it's super classes have Proxy(false).
> I am wondering if anyone has any ideas of what might be going wrong here, or suggestions as to how I could more effectively debug this area of Neos so
> I can get to the bottom of this.
> Many thanks
> Nikos
> On 22/01/2015 17:10, nikos wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have a slight issue with the content cache and can't figure out if I have missed something or there is a bug somewhere.
>> I have a content node  which displays teaser's from other nodes, the target nodes, on the site.
>> Everything displays well, but I noticed that when the target nodes content is edited the teaser is not refreshed to reflect this.
>> So i thought i should add some cache directives to my teaser typoscript like so (included in full)
>> prototype(Reroot.RerootSiteCom:SectionTeaser) < prototype(TYPO3.Neos:Content){
>>      templatePath = 'resource://Reroot.RerootSiteCom/Private/Templates/NodeTypes/SectionTeaser.html'
>>      node = ${node}
>>      attributes.class = 'teaser-element'
>>      attributes.class. at process.1 = ${value + ' clearfix'}
>> ## the @override pushes this variable onto the context
>>      @override.teaserTargetNode=${q(node).property('teaserTargetNode')}
>>      parentNode= ${q(teaserTargetNode).parents('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Page]').first().get(0)}
>>      teaserHeadline=${q(teaserTargetNode).children('column0').children('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Headline]').first().property('title')}
>>      teaserText=${q(teaserTargetNode).children('column0').children('[instanceof TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes:Text]').first().property('text')}
>>     @cache {
>>                  mode = 'cached'
>>                  maximumLifetime = '86400'
>>                  entryIdentifier {
>>                          node = ${node}
>>                          domain = ${site.context.currentDomain}
>>                  }
>>                  entryTags {
>>                          1 = ${'DecendantOf_' + teaserTargetNode.identifier}
>>                          2 = ${'Node_' + teaserTargetNode.identifier}
>>                  }
>>          }
>> }
>> my expectation, given the entryTags as above, that if the targetNode or its descendants are modified then the cache for the teaser would be refreshed
>> and so reflect the changes. This isn't the case. So I am wondering if
>> 1) I am looking at this too simplistically (probably am)
>> 2) there is an error in the above
>> 3) there is a bug with caching.
>> Ideas as gratefully appreciated.
>> Warm wishes
>> Nikos

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