[Neos] Subitems in Menu

Patric Eckhart mail at patriceckhart.com
Tue Jan 20 19:09:49 CET 2015

I have created a menu with the following TypoScript and template.
But the subitems are not displayed. The root menu items are displayed.

---Fluid Template---
{namespace neos=TYPO3\Neos\ViewHelpers}
<f:render section="itemList" arguments="{items: items, site: site}" />

<f:section name="itemList">

                <f:for each="{items}" as="item" iteration="menuItemIterator">
                        <f:render section="subList" arguments="{items: item.subItems}" />
                        <f:if condition="{item.subItems}">
                                <f:render section="subList" arguments="{items: item.subItems}" />
                        <br />Unterbereiche folgen


<f:section name="subList">
        <f:for each="{items}" as="item">
                <neos:link.node node="{item.node}">{item.label}</neos:link.node>
---Fluid Template---

footerMenu = Menu {
				entryLevel = 1
            	templatePath = 'resource://MyPackage.Website/Private/Templates/TypoScriptObjects/FooterMenu.html'

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