[Neos] [TEAM] Neos 1.3 Epic Owners

Andreas Förthner andreas.foerthner at netlogix.de
Fri Oct 31 09:54:58 CET 2014

Hi Robert,

sure, I¹ll keep an eye on this security stuff ;-)

Greets Andi

Am 30.10.14 21:01 schrieb "Robert Lemke" unter <robert at typo3.org>:

>Hi folks,
>during the sprint in Rødby I proposed that we assign exactly one person
>of the team to each Epic who has an overview and can coordinates related
>features, task, knows the current state of those and keeps the related
>issues on the Jira board in order.
>The epics we have on the 1.3 so far are:
>       - Content Translation (I suggest that I keep on coordinating that one)
>       - UI Translation (Henjo?)
>       - Permissions / ACLs (Andi, I guess)
>Once Daniel and I are done with preparing the stories for 1.3 there
>obviously will be more epics, too (which will need an owner).
>So what I'd like to ask the epic owners to do is:
>       - please frequently check the status of the issues. "In progress" really
>means "the assigned person is or has been working on this not longer than
>a couple of hours ago"
>       - be a point of contact for all questions related to that epic: is
>someone working on X already? How's it going further with Y?
>I hope that this will avoid duplicate work and make it easier to
>distribute workload for a specific epic (since it's better coordinated).
>And I as a release manage have a much easier time to check the current
>progress of our release (because I simply have to ask all epic owners
>As always, the whole team is in charge keeping things in nice order, so
>please make it a habit to set the story status in a timely manner (move
>from "in progress" to "paused" if you take a break of more than a couple
>of hours) and use the comments of an issue to communicate how far you got
>or what's missing when you stop working on it.
>@Henjo & Andi: fine with being owners for your epics?
>Everybody fine with that approach?
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