[Neos] Meeting from 25.11.2014 - 11:00

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Tue Nov 25 11:37:57 CET 2014

Meeting from 25.11.2014 - 11:00


✔ some reviews, liked them
➜ taking a hiatus, nothing urgent right now


✔ Started fixing the broken Aloha linking (issue located), fix coming 
before noon
✔ Improved the new crop aspect ratio functionality 
✔ Created a shortcut button for opening the page in live workspace 
(personal itch driven development at it’s best) 
✔ Fixed ordering of image group properties in the inspector 
➜ Finish Aloha linking fixing
➜ Review node moving issue
➜ Release 1.2 beta 2 + Flow 2.3 beta 2
➜ Start marketing of 1.2
➜ Finalize stories for handling of stream based nodes in the node tree
➜ Coordinate release dates with Robert


✔ traveling from regression to regression (f.e. Reference Editor broken)
✔ FE login (NEOS-433): found caching issue(s) (TYPO3CR runtime cache + 
Doctrine result cache)
	➜ cleanup prototype & push fix


✔ some reviewing
✔ helped people on IRC (times not added to the sheet)
➜ finish documentation and see yesterday
☠ some changes would need a review or I write documentation for non 
merged stuff…


☠ had a sick day
✔ some node moving fixes [BUGFIX] Multiple moves of nodes break 
publishing/results in lost content
✔/➜ more Google Analytics work


✔ pushed "nullable supertype" changes 
✔ pushed (hopefully) final versions of title override and basic meta 
tags for SEO package
✔ pushed Twitter Card support for SEO package
	Q: should that go into a separate Twitter package, to later hold "tweet 
on publish" etc. as well?
	A: No, at least not now.
✔ some code reviews
➜ more reviews and the stuff from the days before…


☠ some (paid) work currently
➜ available to push further changes to History if needed (as soon as 
reviews are there)
➜ can do further reviews, just ping me

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