[Neos] I did Vagrant with TYPO3 Neos setup

Marcin Ryzycki marcin at ryzycki.com
Sun Jan 5 15:35:23 CET 2014

Hi all,

I've commited TYPO3 Neos and TYPO3 Flow virtual machine setup based on Vagrant.

I know that plenty of you guys are using Vagrant for your development. 
The intention here is to have Flow/Neos setup up and running in no 
time, even for 1st-timers (both with Flow/Neos and Vagrant).

It has Nginx / PHP-FPM (5.5.x) / MySQL (5.5.x) / phpMyAdmin with plenty 
necessary tuning (e.g. memory_limit for PHP, client_max_body_size for 
Nginx, Opcode for PHP, MySQL optimisation including correct 
character-set and collaton settings, etc etc) - so Flow/Neos can run 
smoothly and fast. I also did that trick with not using Vagrant's 
synced_folder (IMO it's bit slow, even when type:nfs), so instead 
resources from VM are exported/mounted to host filesystem, not the 
other way.

I tested it only on OSX (Maverics) thus not sure if/how it works on 
different env. I plan to maintain it as I'm extremely excited about 
Neos and I'm starting my first project(s) based on it (no prior 
experience with Neos/Flow, just TYPO3 4.x).

Have a try - any suggestions more then welcomed:


Marcin Ryzycki
Certified TYPO3 Integrator (2009)

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