[Neos] Status Update 2: The Road to Neos 1.0 Beta 1

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Fri Oct 11 16:15:45 CEST 2013

Hey everybody,

we had another status update meeting concerning Beta1. Thanks everybody
involved in the last days and weeks, we're still on-track, and I really
hope we'll be able to keep the pace we're currently having.

We updated the google doc, which contains all the important information:


We're still planning the next Alpha release on Tuesday morning.

The MOST IMPORTANT TODOs (which are relevant for the alpha release) are:

  * Prepare Release Notes (Monday, Sebastian K.)
  * Make sure all release scripts are up-to-date on Jenkins (Monday,
    hopefully Karsten)
  * Setup is currently broken due to file based simple key provider
    being dependent on the database (Rens will check that)
  * Demo Site still needs some intermediate work on the design (changing
    texts, changing logo on front page, use Noto font)
      o Sebastian K. will ask Sebastian H. to help with that
  * (if possible) finish the moving of "Page" from "Neos" to "NodeTypes"


  * Security changes all merged. Good job!
  * Login Screen all merged. Good job everybody involved!
  * new Demo Site has been merged. A.we.some :-) It still needs some
    adjustments until Monday evening, though (see above).

Here are the new things UNDER REVIEW:

  * TypoScript processors (Sebastian)
      o under review now, needs a code review. Functionality was already
        tested by Christian, Bastian, Marc.
  * Sticky Menu (Markus)
      o under review now.

Here's the list of what has changed concerning IN PROGRESS tasks since

  * Resource and Media Management (Robert)
      o progress has been done, the non-neos parts are working well now
      o next step: reintegrate it into Neos
      o -> planning to get it reviewable/testable end of next week.
  * TypoScript page rendering restructuring
      o has been started by Christian, still needs quite some
        discussion. Please check out
        https://review.typo3.org/#/q/topic:page-rendering,n,z and give
        feedback, so that we can incorporate it.
      o was planned this week, but we *plan to have that merge-ready at
        end of next week.*
  * Labels (Mattes)
      o Rens will put the updated labels under review today.
  * Link Handling (Bastian)
      o still minor CSS issues, already has been rebased on new
        TypoScript processors
      o -> will be finailzed beginning next week, and reviewed during
        next week.
  * Views Handling (Sebastian)
      o planned to be started in week 43, will be started in week 42 now.
  * Navigate Component (Aske)
      o was scheduled for this week still, but will be delayed to next week.
      o if possible, we will get that into the next alpha, but if not,
        we'll hopefully have it merged at end of next week.
  * new Website
      o Henjo will roughly implement it in a next step, and then we can
        iterate on it.

Furthermore, I'd like to encourage everybody to add / review
Documentation Cookbooks! We're still lacking cookbooks, so it'd be great
to get some more of them done during next week.

The next update of what has changed will happen on next Wednesday.

Greets, and hear/see you soon :-)

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