[Neos] routes yaml config for neos backend module

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Mon Jun 10 12:48:40 CEST 2013

Simon Schaufelberger (Schaufi) wrote:

Hi Simon,

> I want to create my own neos backen module routes but its just not working.

May I ask why you want to to this?
Though it should be possible in theory, this could lead to conflicts 
with existing or coming "backend routes"

> Can somebody please send me an example for the following url:
> http://neos.local/neos/administration/users/show?moduleArguments%5Baccount%5D%5B__identity%5D=51c7d653-42de-7aaf-eeff-5b6df6a25117
> to make something like this:
> http://neos.local/neos/administration/users/show?account=username

This is not possible unfortunately as you can't alter query arguments 
via routing currently.

> and/or:
> http://neos.local/neos/administration/users/username/show

This should work. But due to the somewhat "funky" 
BackendModuleRoutePartHandler this is not really straight forward.

Here's how you can get there:

If you browse to the detail view 
the log should contain:

Router route(): Route "TYPO3Neos :: Backend - Modules" matched the path 

Now copy the respective Route from TYPO3.Neos/Configuration/Routes.yaml 
to the *top* of your applications Routes.yaml:

   name: 'Backend - Modules'
   uriPattern: 'neos/{module}'
     '@package':    'TYPO3.Neos'
     '@controller': 'Backend\Module'
     '@action':     'index'
     '@format':     'html'
       handler: TYPO3\Neos\Routing\BackendModuleRoutePartHandler

If you then debug the BackendModuleRoutePartHandler::matchValue() method 
you can see that it creates an array with the keys 'module', 
'controller' & 'action' (This is the funky part about this as RoutePart 
handlers usually just return strings).

As you already know the three values, you can replace the RoutePart 
handler. Furthermore you need to add the "exceeding" argument 
moduleArguments['account'] to your route:

   name: 'Backend - User administration module'
'neos/administration/users/{moduleArguments.account}/{moduleArguments. at action}'
     '@package':    'TYPO3.Neos'
     '@controller': 'Backend\Module'
     '@action': 'index'
       '@package':    'typo3.neos'
       '@subpackage': ''
       '@controller': 'module\administration\users'
       'module': 'administration/users'
       'action': 'index'
       objectType: 'TYPO3\Flow\Security\Account'
       uriPattern: '{accountIdentifier}'

This should work. But – again – be warned about altering "backend" routes ;)

Bastian Waidelich
Core Developer Team

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