[TYPO3-50-general] Constraint violation

Julian Kleinhans typo3 at kj187.de
Tue Jan 11 22:11:42 CET 2011

Hi list,

first of all, i wish u all a happy new year :-)
New year, new power ! Lets rock!

Ok, now i will try to explain u my problem
I had a Model with this properties

      * @var \F3\Tutorials\Domain\Model\Context
      * @identity
     protected $context;

      * The categories title.
      * @var string
      * @validate Text, StringLength(minimum = 1, maximum = 80)
      * @identity
     protected $title = '';

Both of this has the @identity annotation
Now i stored some data with the same title BUT with different contexts
The Problem is now, that i became this exception

> #1259612399: More than one object was returned for the given identity, this is a constraint violation.
> F3\FLOW3\Property\Exception\DuplicateObjectException thrown in file
> Packages/Framework/FLOW3/Classes/Property/PropertyMapper.php in line 468.

any ideas ?
What do i wrong ? The context is NOT the same..


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