[TYPO3-50-general] Cache problem in Extbase with reflection data

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Aug 4 13:09:21 CEST 2009

Hi Robert,

first thx for the detailed explanations.

Robert Lemke schrieb:
> Without looking at the Extbase implementation ... here's how it basically
> work in FLOW3:
>  - on each request the reflection framework checks (very early) if cached
>    data is available
>    - if yes: load reflection data (about all classes) from cache
>    - if not: reflect all classes which are _currently declared_
>  - each time the reflection service's methods are called they check if
>    the class in question has been reflected already
>    - if yes: use the cached information already loaded earlier
>    - if not: reflect the new class and return the information
>  - at the end of each request the reflection framework checks if any new
>    classes have been reflected since the data has been loaded from cache
>    - if yes: save the new reflection data (ie. everything again)
>    - if not: nothing to do

this looks like the same in Extbase

>  - the overall reflection data cache entry is only flushed if "something
>    radical" happens
>  - if a single class file changes, this is detected by the file monitor
>    which flushes all cache entries tagged with the class name

we don't habe a file monitor, but the cache is bind to the clear cache, 
so clearing isn't a problem.

Also i don't see any tags in FLOW3, using tags would be a call like
$this->cache->set($identifier, $data, $tags)

>  - on the next run the reflection service detects which classes have 
> changed
>    and therefore need to be re-reflected. By this we avoid reflecting all
>    classes again only because a few have changed.

and this might be different.

comparing both files Service.php i detected some differences.
In Extbase there is no injection, also the initialize does some more:
if ($this->detectClassChanges === TRUE) {

these parts are missing in Extbase, also the collected data saved to 
cache is smaller than in FLOW3.

While debugging the service class i saw that it doesn't contain the data 
of extbase, looks like a small reflection of the plugins classes. So it 
doesn't wonder if a class isn't found in this data.

vg Steffen

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