[Flow] Proxyclass Building is useless imho in 90%

Martin Kutschker masi-20l4 at typo3.org
Sun Nov 9 15:23:56 CET 2014

Am 07.11.2014 14:25, schrieb Carsten Bleicker:>
 > So anytime you need/use AOP or Signals and we switch from the 
"excludeClasses" to "includeClasses"
 > you have to do this for your entities f.e.:
 > TYPO3:
 >   Flow:
 >     object:
 >       includeClasses:
 >         'foo.bar': ['Foo\\Bar\\Domain\\Model\\.*']

Why would I want to create proxy classes if they are not required by 
AOP, Signals or any other fancy annotation-driven framework expansion 

 > As i mentioned in jira, injection should work also without
 > proxyclassbuilding. So f.e. @Flow\Inject could work on original
 > classes, not only on proxy classes.
 > https://jira.typo3.org/browse/FLOW-59

Any idea how to fix the issue? It would be nice if DI would work on 3rd 
party libs that are incompatible with the proxy classes.


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