[FLOW3-general] No controller youl be resolved for routeParts

Andreas Beyl beyl at stimme.net
Wed Nov 21 13:47:14 CET 2012

Hi List,

I created an own Package with the following Routes.yaml:

name: 'League REST API GET/PUT/DELETE calls'
uriPattern: 'leagues/{league}'
   '@package': 'SNET.GoalKeeper'
   '@controller': 'League'
   '@action': 'index'
   '@format': 'json'
     objectType: '\SNET\GoalKeeper\Domain\Model\League'
     uriPattern: '{urisegment}'

My Model for League has the following properties:
  * The unique URI Segment
  * @var string
  * @Flow\Identity
  * @Flow\Validate(type="NotEmpty")
  * @ORM\Column(length=20)
protected $uriSegment;

  * The title
  * @var string
  * @Flow\Validate(type="NotEmpty")
protected $title;

Then I call my updateAction by curl:
curl -X PUT -d "title=NewTitle" http://dev.goalkeeper.local/leagues/OLBW
(OLBW ist the unique urisegment for that league)

I receive the following error-message:
No controller could be resolved which could match our request. Package 
key: "leagues", controller name: "OLBW".

I don't get the point what I am doing wrong...
Can anyone give me any hints on that?

Thanks in advance,

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