[FLOW3-general] Ajaxable Actions / JSON as content-type

Ferdinand Kuhl fcool at coolys.de
Sun Sep 18 17:25:04 CEST 2011

Hi David,

just add the following two lines to your controller:

protected $supportedFormats = array("html", "json");
protected $viewFormatToObjectNameMap = array(
	"json" => "\TYPO3\FLOW3\MVC\View\JsonView", 
	"html" => "\TYPO3\Fluid\View\TemplateView"

And have a look at the really well documented JsonView-Class. (You can 
configure the depth the objects are rendered)

The controller automatically detects what the request accepts, so if your 
ajax-call (for example per jquery) explicitly asks for json, your controller 
will answer with json.

Have a nice sunday,

David Schoen wrote:

> Hello List,
> can anyone tell me how to make an action ajaxable? I would like to call
> an action with an JSON-request and would like to get the answer in JSON
> so I would have to change the content-type.
> Here is what I imagine:
> /**
> * Returns some json-object
> * @someAnnotationToSetTheReturnTypeToJSON
> * @return void
> */
> public function jsonAction() {
> ...
> return <someJsonObject>;
> }
> I can't find anything about that in the documentation or the
> blog-example. If you have any clue, tip or link, please answer :)
> Thanks in advance,
> David

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