[TYPO3-windows] Typo3 Backend 500 Server Error After UpgradingtoT3 4.3.1 on Windows 2008 IIS7 (Pim Broens - Redkiwi)

Pim Broens - Redkiwi broens at redkiwi.nl
Mon Jan 18 09:51:55 CET 2010

> >
> There are no .htaccess files in any of the main Typo3 folders, so I
> think it due to that.  We are using Isapi Rewrite program which has
> rewrite rules stored in the main httpd.conf file, and it can also read
> .htaccess files if they were present, but I couldn't see any.
> What is the next line of troubleshooting?

True, using Isapi myself. But even then .htaccess could be a problem.
But obviously it isn't here.

Next line of troubleshooting, I would say to check all error_logs of

Might it be possible to use a physical source instead of symlinks? At
least for testing purpose?

Kind regards,

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