[TYPO3-windows] installation problem

Liviu Macoviciuc liviu.macoviciuc at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 18:37:01 CEST 2007

Hi everybody,

I am a newbye to typo3 and I tried to install typo3 last stable
version,testsite and quickstart.
All is fine until I want to go to the backend admin page.
I type user:admin and pass:password and I can't get acces.
I created a new admin user, and tried to login as it.
The same problem.
I am using XP SP2,apache 2.2.4, php 5.2.3,mysql 5.0.45.
I tried to connect with IE 6 and Firefox2.(I don't think that is a client
side problem).
Both are set to accept cookies from any site and have javascript enabled.
Also, I 've configured the IUSR_machine acount as a member of POWER USERS
group,which has plenty of rights.
(By the way, can anybody tell me how can I manage filesystem acces in XP
with a gui, such as in 2000/2003?)
After a few attempts, apache crashed-in fact php- I found in the application
log an entry saying that php5ts.dll was the cause.
I am making the assumption that the problem might be with mysql.
You see, mysql changed the way it stores password in version 4.1.1.
Until then , it used a 16 byte hash.Since that version, it uses a 41 byte
Can anyone tell me where exactly - in what table- the typo3 user accounts
-both frontend and backend- are stored ?


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