[TYPO3-windows] FW: Typo3Winstaller and GraphicsMagick

Mohr, Andreas andreas.mohr at teraport.de
Wed Nov 28 20:09:22 CET 2007

>I am fully aware how to enable thumbnails in the backend - and my  
>problem is not getting to work correctly EXCEPT thumbnails. I have, as

>you can se earlier in the conversation tried a bit. GDLib also works...
OK, sorry... my Windows mind seems to be fully focused on IIS ;o)

>The things that you mention below are for IIS mostly. 
Thats correct.
>I run Apache on a Windows 2003 server.

> - or am I missing something here?
No, but obviously I was!

I am not sure which user is dressed up for your apache processes under
windows. Make sure that your process user has execute permissions on
cmd.exe and read and execute in your imagemagick and graphicsmagic
folder and is able to write the files in the typo3 directories:
> \fileadmin\ 
> \typo3conf\
> \typo3\ext\
> \typo3temp\
> \uploads\

If you are lucky, "system" is used for the Apace process. In general I
would say the problems with image processing come from permissions.
Maybe it halps to add the path to ImageMagick in your Windows
Environment Variblas path... if it is not so already.


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