[TYPO3-windows] WAMP installation, but localhost empty

Els Coolen els at jrs.or.id
Tue Jul 11 04:35:42 CEST 2006


I have tried to reinstall typo3_v4rc1_wamp on my Windows XP Home SP2. 10 
months ago I used typo3 3.5 without any problems, could use quickstart, 
testsite and dummy package offline to learn typo3. Now on my new laptop, 
I want to start working with Typo again, but I can't seem to get the 
WAMP working.

I installed it in C/apache, but when I hit localhost, either in Mozilla 
Firefox or in IE, I just get an empty page. If i use "open file" and 
open the apache/htdocs/index.php I get to the "Welcome to the TYPO3 WAMP 
Installer" but cannot go any further. I cannot open the install tool.

I don't have much knowledge of PHP nor MySQL, but that didn't cause many 
problems with version 3.5.

I have the Typo book, have read through all the available documentation 
on installation, but the answer to my problem does not seem to be in there.

Could anyone please in a rather clear and simple matter explain me just 
which steps I need to take to get the WAMP working so I can start 
picking up where I left to learn this great CMS?

Thanks a million!
Els Coolen
Information and Advocacy Manager - JRS Indonesia
Coordinator Indonesian Campaign to Ban Landmines

els at jrs.or.id - www.jrs.or.id
+62 813 28047871
Gang Cabe DPIII No9 Puren Pringwulung
Depok Sleman

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