[TYPO3-windows] Configuration Error

McNutt, James M (Maysville) mike.mcnutt at kctcs.edu
Tue Feb 7 16:33:01 CET 2006

 Hello I am hoping someone can help me. I have set up Typo3 3.8.0 on a sever 2003 box with PHP 5.1.2 and MySQL 5.0.18. When I try to launch the front end I get a "Cannot find configuration. This file is probably executed from the wrong location." I have double-checked the file pathway and typo3conf is directly under the index.php file like it should be (as are t3lib and tslib). The backend and install tool work just fine. I have copied over the file structure from another server 2003 box (which worked just fine) and applied the same directory permissions as it had. The install tool shows no errors and when logged into the backend content can be edited and saved, new pages created, and the pages are all present just none can be viewed.

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