[TYPO3-windows] [Typo3-windows] imagemagick+ghostscript.

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder t3 at boswel-remove-me.de
Sun Feb 5 15:22:27 CET 2006

Nick Weisser wrote:
> I just installed Ghostscript and ImageMagick, but with regard to step
> 3 I have a problem.
> There doesn't seem to be a path variable for ghostscript anywhere in
> the delegates.mgk file.
> What exactly do you mean by reflecting ghostscript's installation
> paths?

well, there are several settings to be considered when using IM along with 
IM uses a so-called "delegate file" to delegate file (*SIC*) handling of 
known files to external programs (you know that already).

if you type SET in your windows shell, something like this should appear:


DELEGATE_PATH points to your IM's delegate file called "delegate.mgk".
within delegate.mgk you should find lines like these

 gswin32 -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -sDEVICE=pswrite -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER \
   -sOutputFile="%o" -- "%i" -c quit

"gswin32" is the binary responsible for converting PDF's to PS's (and 

now, the executable gswin32 (reads "gswin32.exe") must be found.
you may either hardcode the full path for every occurence of gswin32 to for 
example F:\tools\gs8.14\bin\gswin32.exe (bad) or add the GS bin folder to 
your %PATH% (better, like i have done in the above example).
if you don't wan't to poisen your %PATH%, another option would be to set the 
environment variable GS or GSC to


restart apache (!) and everything should be OK.



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