[Typo3-windows] dummy package - sorry I forgot to deactivate the 3 D effects in my Email programm

Mark mark at bothsides.de
Mon Oct 17 23:06:48 CEST 2005

Hi all,
finally I got the dummy package istalled and I began to work with the
tutorial "Modern Template Building Part I". On one point in the tutorial, it
says, that you have to make a php-file called "userfunctions.php".
I tried it and I got the following error message:
1: Fileextension "php" was not allowed!
Also there is a collum at Filelist/Fileadmin which is called RW. In the
tutorial the collum is empty, in my configuration there is a red RW. I tried
to look it up what it means but couldn't find anything (maybe I oversaw it?)

Does this error message mean that my PHP is not configured right?
Help would be very, very nice.
Thanks in advance!
PS: This is my TYPO 3 Config:
- Typo 3.8
- PHP 5.0.5
- MySQL 4.1.14

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