[Typo3-windows] typo3 & mysql4 ???

Darko Kalevski kdarko at unet.com.mk
Tue Dec 13 21:22:48 CET 2005

snippet from wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Windows

"Download the Windows binaries of MySQL from http://www.mysql.com and 
install MySQL on your Windows PC.

As of April 2005, choose any version >= 4.0.18 and < 4.1.x. An altered 
syntax definition in MySQL 4.1.x no longer allows DEFAULT '0' 
autoincrement values, which is heavily used in TYPO3 and almost every 
extension that was built using the kickstarter."

I have 4.1.14? Does this mean I've been given order to banish this one 
and get older one so I can integrate it with Typo3 3.81 successfully?


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