[Typo3-windows] OT - httpd.conf

Nigel Jackson nigelj at pobox.com
Fri Jul 18 17:41:06 CEST 2003

Here's an odd one for the Apache experts...

I just upgraded from Apache 1.3.26 to 2.0.47 on my local (dev) machine. 
I have about 20 virtual hosts running on the machine. I set up the new 
httpd.conf file for php (cgi), and copied my vhosts over.

All of them work perfectly, except the new one I have set up for the 
Apache2 manual (code for this vhost below). The wierd thing is if I 
rename the file index.htm, and change DirectoryIndex to index.htm, it 

Why does the letter 'l' make the difference...all the other sites with 
index.html as DirectoryIndex work OK, including the manual for Apache 

Looking forward to an answer ;-)


# Apache manual 2.0.47

<VirtualHost *>
     ServerAdmin nigelj at pobox.com
     DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/manual"
     <IfModule mod_dir.c>
     	DirectoryIndex index.html
     <Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/manual">
     	Options FollowSymLinks
     	AllowOverride None
     	Order allow,deny
     	Allow from all
     	Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +Includes
     ServerName apache2manual
     ErrorLog logs/error_log
     CustomLog logs/access.log common

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