[Typo3-UG UK] Uk Lists

Dominic Stockdale dom at 3ev.com
Thu Jul 17 16:52:38 CEST 2003

Hi Alan,

The UK list has literally just started. Our first meeting is to take 
place next Thursday the 24th, so you're ahead of the crowd. There's been 
a very good response from people in the UK, surprisingly good.

In the near future I think you can expect quite a lot of activity from 
UK users, especially in terms of support.

As for where newbies can go for help you're in the right place. The 
mailinglist is the place to ask for help - once you've read your way 
through the documentation, searched the mailinglist for similar 
questions and searched typo3.org ask away. I have to add that clause.

Typo's not difficult it's just enormous and very detailed. You have to 
learn quite a lot but there's some very good documentation and tutorials 
to get your teeth into. If you haven't already, have a go with the 
quickstart package it comes with everything preconfigured and gives you 
a good tutorial to work through.


Read the Getting Started Tutorial. Actually all of this is on the front 
page of http://typo3.org under Getting Started.

Also you can watch some videos of doing various things with Typo 
(probably a bit much to begin with).


The UK usergroup will also be providing a UK support/training at some 
point in the future and if you can make it please come along and meet us 
on the 24th.

- Dominic

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