[TYPO3-UG US] T3CON11-San Franciso Early Registration Open

Ron Hall ronslists at busynoggin.com
Thu Feb 24 16:55:26 CET 2011

Hello U.S. List,

This is a quick note to let you know that early registration is open on T3CON11-San Francisco. We don't get many TYPO3 events here in the states yet so you will want to make this one if you can. You will hear more about the conference as official news releases go out at the first of the week, but here are some highlights.

The location is fantastic. Right on the bay near many landmarks. Plus northern California has a lot to see. We expect many will take extra days to see the sights. 

We are trying to attract some outside developers in addition to our TYPO3 faithful. To that end we have some special presentations on Thursday. Sencha will be joining us presenting half-day tutorials on ExtJS 4 and Sencha Touch. We also have a special Thursday TYPO3 free track that introduces attendees to TYPO3 and shows them how to get started with it.

If you can make it, we would love to have you. You can save money with early registration.

We want to thank our sponsors for making this event possible.

AOE  Media
ECCE Terram
Jochen Weiland
Gaetan Marmasse
Cast Iron Coding

It would be great to have a few more sponsors join these. You can find out more on the sponsorship page.

Get more information on the conference at t3con11-sf.typo3.org

Ron Hall

Busy Noggin, Inc.
a web development agency


Twitter: busynoggin (general web tweets)
Twitter: typo3ron (for TYPO3 specific tweets)

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